Random teenage blog

This blog is by me and my completely mentally insane self, Shannon. I love to write, and hopefully one day I will either become a writer or a psychologist. Trust me, after you read this blog, you'll be thinking "Wow. I hope she isn't a psychologist." If you don't like something on this page, or you DO like something on this page (that would be nice) email me at Monkeysoftballfreak0293@yahoo.com. Oh, and by the way... Monkeys totally pwn. Shannon

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Friends are friends forever?

Not. You only think you are. A person can turn on you in the blink of an eye (or the vibrate of a text message). Its so hard to really trust someone, much less have a "best friend". You give everything you have. Your past, your present, and what you think will be your future...

...But that's not enough. You refuse to mold yourself to fit into the tiny space they have in their heart for you. Its quite cramped, really. Yeah, I've been there. It shrinks over time. If you want to stay there, it means leaving anything you care about at the door. There's no room for any of that.

So since you can't give enough, they ditch you for someone "better". Again, again, again. You put up with it. Let it go. Move on. Its water under the bridge, right? Right...

Then the day comes. The day when you just can't take it another second and it all explodes. Things hit the fan.

So, having given this person everything you have, you just can't take being ditched another day. You have not more fake sympathy, no more half-hearted smiles. You bring the problem up to this person.

It explodes in your face, and you lose everything you thought was "friendship".

So you see... You can give someone 3 years of your life, and they'll throw it all away for a boy. A stupid boy. A boy you try to warn her about. A boy you know will only hurt her in the long run. Does she listen? Well, of course not. Because while you have been giving and giving all this time, she has only been taking. Taking your energy, taking your dignity, and taking you for granted. There is no give on her part.

There is only room in her heart for one person now; herself.

You know you have done nothing wrong...

So why do you feel so awful?


Friday, October 17, 2008


Its totally, 100%, completely the easy way out.

Oh yeah, just say "There is no God, no higher power, no consequences for my actions. I can do whatever the heck I want." Yep... Not many things go down to that level of shallow-ness.

I just don't understand how someone can go out at night and look up at all those stars in the sky, and say that there is no God. That those stars weren't created by Him. Its totally ludacris, and I do NOT mean the rapper.

And you know what? Its the most comforting thing to know that when I die, I'm going to the most amazing place imaginable. Its really too great for the human mind to comprehend. I get lost thinking about it. I'm not going to hell, and I'm not just going to have nothing after I die. Everything I do in this life has a deeper meaning, and I know what that meaning is. I don't have to spend the whole time wondering. I'm certain.

So I just don't see how atheists do it. There is no God? Well, what is there then? What is life?

Evolution? Ha. I actually laughed, typing that. As much as I love monkeys, I don't want to be RELATED to them. That's pushing it, a little.
