Random teenage blog

This blog is by me and my completely mentally insane self, Shannon. I love to write, and hopefully one day I will either become a writer or a psychologist. Trust me, after you read this blog, you'll be thinking "Wow. I hope she isn't a psychologist." If you don't like something on this page, or you DO like something on this page (that would be nice) email me at Monkeysoftballfreak0293@yahoo.com. Oh, and by the way... Monkeys totally pwn. Shannon

Saturday, June 28, 2008

Why Youtube = Satan.

I used to hate Myspace, yes. But those days are over. I have seen the light! And well, my friend Kira basically forced me to create one, but that abuse---err, friendship, is behind me now. Now I'm on to bigger and better things, deeper, more passionate hate! Yes, my friends... I speak of none other than...


Where you can do a variety of suck-tastic things! The opportunities are... Err, quite limited if you have dial-up, but I digress. So umm yeah, here are some reasons why Youtube makes me want to set something on fire and yell BURN BABY, BURRRRN.

#1: Spoilers. Yeah, they have them. In the middle of videos, all of the sudden, something pops up... "DUMBLEDORE DIEZ!!!!!!!!" And you're like...wow, did I want to know that? No.

#2: People who comment videos trying to be a smart-alec. YES I KNOW I AM ONE AS WELL, don't judge me. As I was saying, people try to act smart and clever. Once I was watching a video from a Relient k concert that someone had taken on their phone, and they were singing along with the music. Off-key and horribly, of course, because well... Its a live concert. Its loud. You can't hear yourself think, much less *sing*. And some IDIOT decided to comment it and say "That girl is singing off-key." ....................Are you stupid? Do you have a mental disability? Did someone drop you on your head when you were little? If not, I can do it now for only 10 easy payments of $19.95.

#3: Ur moma.

#4: There are two kinds of people on Youtube. Yep... There are the smart-alecs as mentioned previously, and the total morons, who accept this fact and turn it into an art. People who say things like



Yeah... I don't think that takes much more explainin'. I'm not Lucy.

#5: It is addictive to some people. And well, come on, that's never good. When you have instant access to a loooaaad of fad-tastic videos, you're going to watch more and more and more. More stupid stunts and more random guys from somewhere like, Oklahoma, who will become famous because they can do Soulja Boy on a trampoline while doing a hand stand or something. I pity them foolz.

K so, I'm done now. Until like 5 minutes from now when I post another thing.


Monkeyz are srsly cute.


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