Its totally, 100%, completely the easy way out.
Oh yeah, just say "There is no God, no higher power, no consequences for my actions. I can do whatever the heck I want." Yep... Not many things go down to that level of shallow-ness.
I just don't understand how someone can go out at night and look up at all those stars in the sky, and say that there is no God. That those stars weren't created by Him. Its totally ludacris, and I do NOT mean the rapper.
And you know what? Its the most comforting thing to know that when I die, I'm going to the most amazing place imaginable. Its really too great for the human mind to comprehend. I get lost thinking about it. I'm not going to hell, and I'm not just going to have nothing after I die. Everything I do in this life has a deeper meaning, and I know what that meaning is. I don't have to spend the whole time wondering. I'm certain.
So I just don't see how atheists do it. There is no God? Well, what is there then? What is life?
Evolution? Ha. I actually laughed, typing that. As much as I love monkeys, I don't want to be RELATED to them. That's pushing it, a little.
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