Random teenage blog

This blog is by me and my completely mentally insane self, Shannon. I love to write, and hopefully one day I will either become a writer or a psychologist. Trust me, after you read this blog, you'll be thinking "Wow. I hope she isn't a psychologist." If you don't like something on this page, or you DO like something on this page (that would be nice) email me at Monkeysoftballfreak0293@yahoo.com. Oh, and by the way... Monkeys totally pwn. Shannon

Friday, April 06, 2007

Cliques\trends\labels (a.k.a meaningless crap): redone.

I decided to redo this entry because I didn't like the first one. (I'm very critical of myself, go figure.) Here's the new one:

Just the other day I realized something. Myspace sucks. Wait no, no besides that... Think... Oh yeah. Other dudes\girls my age are obsessive about meaningless crap. Who got in a fight at fourth block, who kicked what's-her-name out of "The Group". Stuff that, put simply, doesn't matter. One of my friends got in a fight yesterday. I asked her why. She said "I didn't like this girl, I don't know her name." ...Uh... Ok. So... You got in a fight with her, lost, took a blow to your pride. Because you didn't like someone. Well, can't beat logic like that, eh? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA funny. I would never, ever, under any circumstances (unless money was involved!) get in a fight with someone for no reason. That's almost as stupid as myspace. Almost. And cliques. Oh, my God. Cliques. WHAT IS THE POINT? To make people feel alienated? Pssh. Idiots. Its to make sure you don't have to hang out with anyone you don't want to hang out with. Because, you're scared. You're scared of people who are different, and intimidated by them. Think about it. Well I've got somethin' to say to all you clique-goers. GROW UP. If you're scared of having to be around new and different people, or just "don't want" to, you'll never make it in college or anywhere out on your own. The world is diverse, get used to it. And stop clinging to your safety-blanket clique. Expand it. Next, trends. Ok some trends I understand. Really, I do. For instance here, everybody wears these shoes called Crocs. They're really, really ugly. But people love them. They're foam shoes with holes all along the top of them. $40 dollars each. I saw them in a catalog a few years ago, and I wanted some really really bad. But I was flat broke, go figure. NOBODY had these shoes then. And one day a few months later, I walked through a store and saw a girl wearing them. I turned to my brother and was like "DID YOU SEE HER SHOES?!?" We wondered where she got them. Well, now we know. Everybody knows. If you don't have crocs in at least 3 colors, or a color that goes with everything, you're an idiot. DO NOT WEAR ORANGE CROCS UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES. Aaaaanyway next... Labels. Not much to say here, they're pointless. Ok ok ok well if I did have to have a label, it would be "insert label here." Cuz you know, that's just how I roll. Later. LEAN BACK!

xoxox, Shan shan. (as said by Hope.)

No monkey remark here. But, does saying I don't have a monkey remark make it a monkey remark? :o burn. Haha I made you think! Ok calm down, don't hurt yourself.


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